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About This Website


The SVG USA website is a branch of the SVG Thai Massage Training Center in Chiang Mai, Thailand, whose official website can be found here. In short, I have been given the privilege as acting as a sort of ambassador for SVG to the United States. As such, this website is an attempt to connect Americans, and Westerners in general, with a mode of healing that I feel has enormous health benefits, yet remains largely untapped in the West. Specifically, this website is an attempt to connect people to an excellent training center that, somehow, also remains largely untapped compared to some of the "bigger" massage schools in Chiang Mai. 


SVG's "under the radar" status is partly by design, and partly because they are too humble to boast about their remarkable accomplishments. That's where I come in; I am the American unabashedly boasting on their behalf.




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